We live in a day and an age when we all recognize the need to give back. We also live in a time when there is an endless pursuit of each one of our companies and organizations, good companies and organizations, by many viable organizations who are in need of our help. Trying to discern what organization to give to is as big of a problem as the issue of giving itself. We believe there are many great causes today to which your company can contribute. But we believe that COAGS has combined a very great need with a very great benefit to those who are able to attend our program, along with incredible return to those who give to it.

Many who are able to attend our program can only do so with the help of a sponsorship/scholarship from an organization like yours. What are we talking about? We would like to extend the opportunity for you to get involved with COAGS, Colorado Outdoor Adventure Guide School.

That is a great benefit and one that you know the value of. That is not the best part of our opportunity. The best part of what we offer you is that you will have a direct impact on a VETERAN’S opportunity to find hope and work in life. Our course has become more than just a vocational school. It has become a place of rediscovery and life change for many of our Veterans.

Any Post 9/11 GI Bill® holder can use their benefits in our courses. We are a VA approved certified course which enables those soldiers to use their hard-earned benefits with our school. The problem is that only the soldiers that meet those requirements get to have funding provided to them for our school. There are far more Veterans out there who do not qualify for those benefits than do qualify. That is where you come into play.

We want to find a way to offer our schooling and programs to any Veteran who has served our country. For $12,000 you can provide any Veteran an opportunity to take our complete program of 8 weeks and you will participate in their lives being changed. By your contribution to COAGS you will provide a Veteran an opportunity to give them new direction in life and give them the potential to make a living doing something they love. Through your contribution they will learn how to be a guide in the outdoor industry. They will learn more than that though. They will learn how to deal with life. They will learn how to bounce back from the difficulties they have faced overseas and in war. They will learn how to enjoy the great outdoors and even how to heal from much of what they have faced. They will learn leadership and business principles that will not only allow them to excel in the outdoor industry but can be applied to any type of work or business they participate in.

Your contribution allows you to pick the specific Veteran that you would like to send to our school. You personally can be involved in that choice or if you don’t have a Veteran that you know to choose, we will provide you a Veteran to sponsor. There are many Veterans who are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to move forward in life but they do not have the funds to do so. You are their answer to this dilemma. You will allow them to take all four of our courses spelled out in this packet and in a worse-case scenario they will be well trained for an outstanding career in the outdoor industry. For many it will be much more than that. You will enable that particular Veteran to have a life changing experience in the Rocky Mountains that will help shape the direction of their future.

There are many great ways to give back to those who have served this country. We believe that we have the best way to impact a Veteran for the rest of their life. Your $10,000 contribution will help a Veteran recover from what they have faced and also afford them the training to be able to go forward and live a great future. Help a Veteran move ahead today.

For more information or to make your contribution, contact Jeff Miner at 970-268-5205, or email at