Advanced Backcountry Horseman

Ride with Passion, Ride with Purpose

Are you a horseman (someone passionate about horses) who wants to learn the finer skills of riding and training and become a professional guide? If you intend to be a solopreneur in the horse riding and training business and share your knowledge and skills with others as a guide, join us today in our next Horsemanship Training Program.

Our Horsemanship Training Program is designed for in-depth instruction and practical exercises about backcountry guiding and outfitting. It is also apt for experienced and novice riders. Here, we teach the freshers the basics of controlling a horse on the ground and the basics of showmanship. Meanwhile, the seniors can fine-tune their skills and knowledge with a mix of classroom and outdoor riding.

Please note that our 120-hour Horsemanship Training Program is only for students passionate about horses. This career is quite challenging and demanding, both mentally and physically. Join us on an exciting journey where you combine your love for horses with your passion for teaching/ guiding others. This might be the ideal career for you.

Our program covers A to Z related to the profession, broadly covering Guide responsibilities, Horsemanship, packing, working through obstacles, setting up a pack trip, round pen reasoning, and a nighttime riding session. It ends with a high-voltage real-time competition among the program participants. Once you qualify for the evaluation exams, you get a professional certification from the institute.

Suppose you love horses and would like to take a group on horseback to the backcountry, longing to pursue your purpose through passion. In that case, the Horsemanship Training Program conducted by COAGS (Colorado Outdoor Adventure Guide School) befits your aspirations. Enroll with us today.

Horsemanship Curriculum

Guide Responsibilities – 4 hours
Natural Resources
Code of Ethics
Responsibilities to:
US Forest Service and BLM use regulations
Private Land and Waters
Hunting/Fishing Laws and Regulations
Horsemanship and Packing – 30 hours
Advanced Riding Lessons and Trail Rides
Horse/Mule Psychology and Training
Packing with Horses and Mules
Decker Pack Saddles
Sawbuck Saddles
Leading a Pack String
Horse/Mule First Aid
Nutrition and Care
Basic Horse Showing and Hoof Maintenance
Giving Shots, Medicines, and Worming
Working Through Obstacles – 12 hours
Trees and Downed Obstacles
Crossing Water and Streams
Crossing Boggy Areas
Loading, Unloading, and Hauling
Evaluating your Horse’s Condition (Heart Rate and Respiration)
Pacing Yourself and Your Horse
Leaving the Herd
Taking Care of your Horse on an Overnight Trip
Opening and Closing Gates and Gaps
Setting Up a Pack Trip – 30 hours
Packing Equipment and Supplies
Campsite Selection and Layout
Erecting Tents
Camp Safety and Hygiene
Keeping Horses in the Wilderness
Pack Trip
Round Pen Reasoning – 12 hours
Simple Cues and Communication
“The Box” Exercise
Lateral Movement (Side Passing)
Backing your Horse Properly
Working with Lunge Line
Identifying and Working with Problem Horses
Preparing for Competitive Trail Ride (NATRC rules)
Professional Guide Equipment – 2 hours
Night Riding – 12 hours
Early Morning Night Ride
Evaluating Morning Ride
Day Light Practice on Obstacles
Evening Night Ride
Copmetitive Trail Ride Contest – 12 hours – 20 miles
Back Country Horseman Course Overview and Discussion – 4 hours
Final Exam (special awards, graduation, and class pictures) – 2 hours