The New Colorado Outdoor Adventure Guide School, Inc.

    7001 Hwy 65, Po Box 150, Mesa, CO. 81643-0150

    Student Information

    Date (required)

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Address 1 (required)

    Address 2 (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip Code (required)

    Country (required)

    Home Phone (required)

    Business Phone (required)

    Email (required)

    Social Security No. (required)

    Date of Birth (required)





    Basic Program


    Professional Guide


    Whitetail Professional Guide


    Fly Fishing Guide


    African Safari Program


    Wireless Technician Program


    2 Week Program – $3,250.00
    4 Week Program – $6,000.00
    6 Week Program – $9,000.00
    8 Week Program – $12,000.00
    Whitetail Professional Guide – $3,850.00

    ($3,000.00 if Basic and Advanced Courses taken prior to this course)

    African Safari Program – $7,500.00

    Wireless Technician Program – $4,800.00







    Basic Program





    Professional Guide





    Whitetail Professional Guide





    Wireless Technician Program Level 1





    There is a transfer fee of $300.00 for changing the class dates above or transferring to the following year.

    By signing this contract, the student agrees to pay The New Colorado Outdoor Adventure Guide School, hereafter referred to as the school, the total stated tuition & fees. The school agrees to provide the occupational training in accordance with the provisions of Catalog Volume 18, dated January 2011 (“the catalog”). Payment of all monies due shall be a condition of continuing enrollment. Upon satisfactory completion of all academic and skill requirements and when all financial obligations to the school have been met the school will award a diploma to the student. The student and school understand that this enrollment agreement, WHICH INCLUDES THE REFUND POLICY, may not be amended except in writing signed by both parties.


    Students not accepted by the school and students who cancel this contract by notifying the school, in writing, within three business days of signing this contract are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid. The cancellation letter must be received by the school prior to the close of the third business day after the signing of this contract. Saturday is considered a business day. Students who withdraw after three business days, but before commencement of classes, are entitled to a full refund of all tuition and fees paid except the cancellation fee of $150.00. In the case of students withdrawing after commencement of classes, the school will retain a cancellation fee plus a percentage of tuition and fees, which is based on the percentage of contact hours attended, as described in the table below. The refund is based on the last date of recorded attendance.

    Note:Meals and Lodging is a separate contract and has a separate refund policy.


    Student is entitled to upon withdrawal/termination Refund Within first 10% of program 90% less cancellation fee.

    After 10% but within first 25% of program 75% less cancellation fee

    After 25% but within first 50% of program 50% less cancellation fee

    After 50% but within first 75% of program 25% less cancellation fee

    After 75% of program no refund

    1. Student may cancel this contract at any time prior to close of the third business day after signing this contract.

    2. The official date of termination for refund purpose is the last date of recorded attendance. All refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of termination.

    3. The student will receive a full refund of tuition and fees paid if the school discontinues a course/program within a period of time a student could have reasonably completed it, except that this provision shall not apply in the event the school ceases operation.

    • Complaints, which cannot be resolved by direct negotiation between the student and the school may be filed with the Division of Private Occupational Schools of the Colorado Department of Higher Education. There is a two-year limitation on the Division taking action on the student’s complaints. The Division shall not consider any claim that is filed more than two years after the date the student discontinues his/her training at the school.

    The School’s policy regarding postponement of starting date and the effect on student’s rights to a refund: “Postponement of a starting date, whether at the request of the school or the student, requires
    a written agreement signed by the student and the school. The agreement must set forth:

    • Whether the postponement is for the convenience of the school or the student, and:

    • A deadline for the new start date, beyond which the start date will not be postponed.

    If the course is not commenced, or the student fails to attend by the new start date set forth in the agreement, the student will be entitled to an appropriate refund of prepaid tuition and fees within 30 days of the deadline of the new start date set forth in the agreement, determined in accordance with the school’s refund policy and all applicable laws and rules concerning the Private Occupational Education Act of 1981.


    High School


    Trade, Business



    This contract is deemed made at The New Colorado Outdoor Adventure Guide School’s place of business
    in the state of Colorado, county of Mesa, and shall in all respects be governed by the laws of the state of Colorado. Any action brought by either party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this contract shall be brought only in Mesa County, Colorado. Each party agrees to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the appropriate court in such county.

    In the WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE HEREUNTO set our hand on the date indicated, the last such date governing the effective date of said contract. Done for the following client who acknowledges that he/she has read the contract and agrees to the terms thereof.


    In 2000, Congress passed the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (sometimes called the e-Signature Bill), which says that email signatures are binding in certain circumstances. It also makes electronic notarization of signatures legally binding and allows businesses to send copies of signed documents via email and fax. By typing your full name in the signature box below you acknowledge that you are knowingly entering into a legally binding contract.

    Student Acceptance (required)

    Date (required)